For years, Sony has tried to create its version of a music service. However, with only a million active users, the service just wasn't holding up. That's probably the reason Playstation announced on Wednesday that it would be teaming up with music streaming service Spotify to offer Playstation users access to its expansive music streaming service on their game consoles.

PS4 players will now be able to sync up their Spotify accounts with their PSN account. They'll also be able to stream the music in the background of their gaming session.

However, users need a Spotify Premium account in order to access the Spotify-powered Playstation Music.

The gaming company explains the potential for the service in a blog post: "Want something heavy and rocking for an intense Destiny Raid? How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL? With more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists, Spotify on PlayStation Music has it covered. As we get closer to launch we look forward to telling you about some of the other great features that will be available exclusively through Spotify on PlayStation Music."

Playstation will cancel its Music Unlimited Service on March 29. It's uncertain if members who paid for Music Unlimited will be transferred to Spotify Premium after the service closes, or if they will simply stop paying for the service.

The Spotify-powered Playstation music service will be available on PS4 and PS3, as well as some Xperia-powered tablets.