A magician supposedly never reveals their secrets, but the mystery is over for an illusionist who levitated off the side of a bus.

Steven Frayne, who goes by the stage name Dynamo, hung off the side of the bus, with only his hand touching the vehicle. He levitated around London, thrilling onlookers. Johan Lorbeer, a German artist claimed to have been performing the trick for years, with the help of a prosthetic arm strengthened by a metal rod. He told The Telegraph that the trick is "very easy."

"There is a metal construction which runs from the arm that sticks to the wall or the car or whatever," he said. "One metal beam inside the fake latex hand runs along the arm which is leaning on the wall. This metal piece [then] runs down along the back, through the trousers and down to the shoes." 

The German magician said there are also two pieces of metal to stand on in the shoes, but it is all one large mechanism.

"Then either with a ladder or some kind of machine you go in there and somebody puts the clothes over you. And that's it," he said.

Lorbeer has been performing this illusion since 2001, and even presented it at a festival earlier this week.

When asked what he though about the double-decker bus trick, Lorbeer responded, "This is just another version of what I've done."

Another illusionist, David Penn, thinks there is something to be said of the 30-year-old Dynamo's illusion. He believes the trick must have taken months to perfect, The Telegraph reported.

"To present that illusion in a urban environment like that is incredibly challenging, especially on the side of a moving bus. It really pushes the boundaries," he said. "It was probably incredibly dangerous, he's got a lot of guts."