After 2-3 years of using the wonky Windows 8 OS, many of today's computer users are anticipating Microsoft's latest rendition of the Windows operating system.

Analysts and hackers have been trying to guess what they should expect from the new OS since the announcement of Windows 10. Now we're going to get more information. Microsoft is hosting a press event on Wednesday about Windows 10 that should hopefully answer some of our questions about what the system will look like. Here are the top five updates we expect to see at the event.

1.    Cortana: The Windows-Phone-centric virtual assistant hopes to make her transition to the desktop with Windows 10. It's expected that Microsoft will work Cortana into the general desktop use, as well as Windows Phone 8.1

2.    UI Updates: Windows users should expect a big visual reboot with Windows 10. While the system is still under construction, recent builds have given us a good look at what you should you expect. These updates include a new start menu, a modified version of the Charms bar, multiple desktops. If you look at past test builds of Windows, you can see that many different UI ideas were developed. However, it's uncertain which ones will actually be used, or how the software has changed since the September unveiling.

3.    Interaction between devices. If you have a Microsoft phone or an Xbox alongside your laptop, then it's possible you'll be able to transfer data and apps in between devices via the upcoming Windows Mobile and Windows 10.

4.    Metro Update: If you use Metro Apps in any way, you should expect a huge update to the OS in the near future.

5.    Spartan: A few weeks ago, Microsoft announced that it was finally releasing a new internet browser called Spartan. The browser will use Cortana to support its functionality, as well as stylus support and a support system similar to Google Chrome. It's more than likely we'll see someone use it at the event.

If viewers wish to view the press event, they can watch the stream here at 12:00 p.m. EST.