Conspiracy theorists usually argue that specific historical events, ranging from the JFK assassination to the Sept. 11 attacks, were not properly explained by the government to its citizens.

However, UFO sightings is a topic most conspiracy theorists are infatuated with that transcends time, as it is a reoccurring phenomena. As of today, conspiracy lovers everywhere can get an inside look at the U.S. government's explanations regarding UFO sightings, thanks to The Black Vault.

Project Blue Book, one part of a series of Air Force-led investigations regarding the science and security threat of UFOs (and a big part of the 1990s cult television show "Twin Peaks") that lasted 18 years, officially ended in 1970. The findings of the report, which total nearly 130,000 pages, were once only available to read in person at the National Archives in Washington, D.C, but a Freedom of Information Act request by John Greenewald has changed that.

"To convert and archive 130,000 pages is no easy task," Greenwald said. "...I tried with this new site to ensure that everyone could use it (Project Blue Book) and learn from it."

Greenewald told that he started The Black Vault, a site dedicated to government documents obtained via FOIA requests, when he was 15 and that it now hosts more than one million pages of various reports, more than any other place on the web. 

The most special part of Project Blue Book (which is sortable on The Black Vault by decade), that will excite the conspiracy theorist in all of us is that out of the 12,618 total sightings mentioned, 701 remain "unidentified" -- the report has explanations for the other 11,917, according to Yahoo.

Greenwald belives that even though the report is full of information and answers, it is sure to make people ask questions, too.

"It is a project that lasted for over 20 years, and they investigated thousands of cases," Greenewald told Open Minds. "Sure, many of them they claimed were all explanatory, but you still have a few gems that remain a mystery. But further, you can use this data to compare and contrast to what it is today and start drawing conclusions or, rather, maybe pose new questions that investigators haven't thought of yet."