Eminem granted a terminal teen's last wish by visiting him at his home just one day before he died.

Gage Garmo, 17, was diagnosed with bone cancer during his freshman year of high school and "underwent multiple surgeries and chemotherapy," according to a GoFundMe page created by his friends. Prior to his senior year he had his leg amputated in hopes it would slow the spread of the cancer, but it was unsuccessful.

Garmo's story spread quickly around his Rochester, Mich. town about the fundraiser and the teen's last wish - to meet his hero, Eminem.

Rainbow Connection, a Rochester-based non-profit that helps grant the wishes of Michigan children with life-threatening illnesses, stepped in and got in touch with Eminem's camp, reported Detroit News.

"On Thursday, we were told that Gage wanted to meet Eminem, and we also were told that time was very limited," Mary Grace McCarter, executive director of the Rainbow Connection, told Detroit News.

At this point Garmo was already given just a few more days to live, so Rainbow Connection had to work fast.

"The fact that Gage was so very ill (meant) we just really got all hands on deck, but it is Eminem and his folks who really saved the day," McCarter told Detroit News. "Everything was dropped and for (Eminem) to come to Gage's home and sit next to him and talk to him was really something very special."

Eminem, who lives only about 20 minutes away from Garmo, did not want his visit to the teen to become a media spectacle, an insider told TMZ.