J.K. Rowling, author of "The Harry Potter" series, criticized Rupert Murdoch's tweets about how all Muslims should be held responsible for the Charlie Hebdo attacks. 

According to The Guardian, the News Corp executive chairman, Murdoch, tweeted, "Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible."

In response, Rowling replied by tweeting Sunday, "I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I'll auto-excommunicate."

Murdoch later tweeted, "Big jihadist danger looming everywhere from Philippines to Africa to Europe to US. Political correctness makes for denial and hypocrisy."

Rowling sarcastically responded by offering to take responsibility for the Spanish Inquisition that devastated the Americas. 

She also said she would take responsibility for Jim Bakker, who said in a New Year's message that Muslims would suffer, and God revealed to him that the U.S. would never win another war because they broke the Ten Commandments and supported secularization and abortion.

J.K. Rowling also tweeted how eight times more Muslims have died because of Islamic terrorists than non-Muslims, New York Magazine reported.

Rowling also applauded Lassana Bathily, the Muslim employee of the kosher supermarket who was the target of a second siege in Paris, and hid Jewish customers from gunmen in a basement chiller room.

Murdoch's first tweet was retweeted 4,000 times, and more than 2,000 people marked it as a favorite, according to The Guardian.