Melissa Etheridge criticized Angelina Jolie and her decision to undergo a double mastectomy earlier this week calling it a fearful choice instead of a brave choice but now there is another cancer survivor who is stepping up to the plate to defend the actress.

According to E! News, Brooke Burke-Charvet came to Jolie's defense after Etheridge's comments over the actress' double mastectomy. The "Dancing With The Stars" host and winner was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last year and made the decision to undergo a thyroidectomy.

"I feel like to comment on somebody else's decision and their motivation and to criticize it in any way feels really inappropriate for me," the host said. "And I bite my tongue because Angelina is not a personal friend and I can't speak about her experience, but doing something electively to avoid greats odds that you can have a fatal disease, not only is it brave, but I think it's pretty intelligent."

During Burke's ordeal, the doctor had given her options including only removing half of her thyroid.

"Different medical experts have different opinions," Burke said. "For me, as a mother of four and a wife, I went and got [a thyroidectomy]. I'm fighting to stay alive for my family-at all costs."

Jolie underwent a double mastectomy after learning that she has the BRCA-1 gene, which gives her an 87 percent chance of developing breast cancer. Fiancé Brad Pitt was very supportive of the actress' decision. Jolie will also undergo a history to remove her ovaries as she also has a strong chance of developing ovarian cancer as well.