Bye-bye Juan Pablo, hello Chris Soules!

ABC's "The Bachelor" kicks off Monday night with a brand new season featuring the sexy farmer, Chris Soules. The 33-year-old will get to meet 30 beautiful women from all over the United States in the hopes of narrowing it down to one lucky lady he can eventually call Mrs. Soules.

The show kicks off with a three-hour premiere where viewers get to see Soules working on the family farm and explaining why he signed up for "The Bachelor." They'll also see the limo entrances and watch as host Chris Harrison holds a viewing party with past contestants to get their reactions to the show.

According to blogger Reality Steve, the first five minutes are Soules talking about "The Bachelor" and what he hopes to get out of it (a wife, duh!). He also says that he doesn't get to meet a lot of girls because he's from such a small town.

Now, onto the good stuff: limo entrances. Every season, the entrances are sometimes clever, a little weird but definitely entertaining, and this season is no different. According to Reality Steve, Reegan gifts Soules with a heart covered in blood. It's a fake heart and fake blood, of course, but still... it's weird.

Tara decides not to wear a dress for the first meeting and steps out of the limo in cut-off shorts, a tank top, flannel shirt and cowboy boots. Once inside the house, she changes her mind and puts on a ball gown. She then sneaks back into the limo and re-introduces herself to Soules.

Tandra skips the limo altogether and rides up to the mansion on a motorcycle, while Alissa gives the bachelor a seat belt because it's going to be a "bumpy ride." Nicole exits the limo wearing a pig nose and Amanda has the limo driver give Soules a note telling him he needs to guess which girl she is later on. According to Reality Steve, Amanda is the "crazy" one this season.

Other interesting tidbits: Reportedly, Tara was so drunk that she could barely stand up straight at the rose ceremony. Soules supposedly talked to Harrison about sending her home, but she got to stick around.

Among the girls to make it past the first night are Britt, Whitney, Kelsey, Megan, Ashley I., Ashley S., Amber, Trina, Kaitlyn, Becca, Tandra, Carly, Tracy, Juelia, Mackenzie, Nikki, Samantha, Tara and Jade.

To find out who reportedly wins "The Bachelor" and gets engaged to Chris Soules, click here.