Photographed during a cigarette break at the Cliffside treatment center in Malibu, Calif., Lindsay Lohan was spotted looking clean and healthy in candid pictures from last Friday, E! News reports.

The troubled star was originally sentenced to 90 days in rehab at the Betty Ford Center, but allegedly left early after another paitient was caught using smuggled drugs on the premises. "When Lindsay was tested, she was clean," her father Michael Lohan said to the New York Daily News. "She didn't want to be around it and immediately asked for a transfer."

Lohan then transferred to the luxurious Cliffside treatment center, where she was recently photographed along with four guys and another girl, chatting and smiling while smoking a cigarette on the center's balcony. Lohan wore her long red hair in waves and kept her look simple in a black long-sleeve sweater.

Lohan was also photographed smoking with fellow in-patients at the facility, wearing a white tank top and yellow patterned shirt. It looks like she is doing well so far during her court-ordered drug and rehab program. A source told E! that the actress is doing good and looking happy. Lohan will finish her treatment in August, after which the 26-year old star is expected to make her first public appearance post-rehab at the premiere of her new film "The Canyons" at the Venice Film Festival.

Click here to see photos of Lindsay Lohan looking happy and healthy while enjoying a cigarette at Cliffside.