Would you lick a popsicle if it was in the shape of a deadly virus or bacteria such as HIV, MRSA, E. coli or the chicken pox? 

Designer Wei Li created popsicle sticks, which she calls Dangerous Popsicles, in the shape of these viruses to see if a person's preexisting knowledge of something would effect the way they perceive something else. 

"You look at the popsicle and you are intrigued by what it will taste like," Li told the Daily News. "At the same time, your brain is bringing up all of these other associations." 

The Dangerous Popsicles are made with sugar water in popular popsicle flavors. 

Although people were hesitant to try the popsicles Li reportedly saw positive results. "The idea is a little bit disturbing but I do want the experience to be delightful and intriguing," she told Daily News. "The general response I got from people was more on the delight side." 

Li created the popsicles by using a 3D printer and a food-safe silicone for molding the shapes of the viruses. The Dangerous Popsicles are not for sale, but she released a step-by-step guide of how she created them here

Li, who has a degree in product design, claims that she is known for creating pieces that push the boundaries on people's comfort zones - which she says is often described by others as "intriguingly uncomfortable," according to her website's bio.