The man who is know for bringing such iconic stories to the silver screen such as "Saving Private Ryan," "Jurassic Park" and "Jaws" gave quiet an unsettling prediction on the future of the film industry.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, director Steven Spielberg spoke to a group of students from USC's School of Cinematic Arts that the implosion in the film industry was on its way.

"That's the big danger, and there's eventually going to be an implosion - or a big meltdown," Spielberg said. "There's going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe even a half-dozen megabudget movies are going to go crashing into the ground, and that's going to change the paradigm."

Fellow filmmaker George Lucas could not help but agree with Spielberg, "I think eventually the Lincolns will go away and they're going to be on television."

Spielberg added that his most recent film "Lincoln" almost ended up on HBO.

"As mine almost was," the Academy Award winning director said. "This close -- ask HBO -- this close."

Lucas expressed the stress it took to get his film into theaters, "We're talking Lincoln and Red Tails -- we barely got them into theaters. You're talking about Steven Spielberg and George Lucas can't get their movie into a theater."

Spielberg's most recent film "Lincoln" reached critical acclaim and Daniel Day Lewis, who played Abraham Lincoln scored his third Best Actor Oscar as well as a Golden Globe, SAG and BAFTA.

Spielberg's next project? The director is currently set to produce "Jurassic Park 4" which is set to hit theaters sometime in the next year.