The perfect man with the perfect body and the perfect face... dusting and running a vacuum.

But some sociologists are claiming that men who do more housework have less sex, according to Daily Mail. (Tired housewives worldwide were probably hoping this information didn't get leaked. Sorry, ladies).

A team of researchers from the Juan March Institute in Madrid published a study in the journal American Sociological Review that studied relationships of over 4,500 middle-aged American couples over the course of two decades. Despite women's suffrage and the monumental win to wear dungarees, 80 percent of household chores are still done by women.

Marriages in which chores are shared were found to be "happier," according to Daily Mail, but men who did "feminine" work had sex one-and-a-half times less per month than men who only did the "man chores," like taking out the trash and mowing the lawn. (One-and-a-half? A half?)

Sabino Kornrich, a sociologist at the Juan March Institute, blamed lingering gender stereotypes for the discrepancy.

"What we do in the house is really strongly tied to how people think of themselves as men or women or as masculine or feminine," Kornrich told Live Science.

Pepper Schwartz, a sociologist at the University of Washington, said the "sibling" feel of egalitarian companionship might put a damper on the sexy part of "sexy time," according to Daily Mail.

Constance Gager, a sociologist at Montclair State University, disagrees, according to Daily Mail. Younger couples have grown up in a world where chores don't necessarily define gender. If gender scripts have not been written, consequently, they can't be violated. Sharon Sassler, a professor from the Cornell University College of Human Ecology, cited study findings using data from 2006. "Couples who shared domestic labor had sex at least as often, and were at least as satisfied with the frequency and quality of their sex, as couples where the woman did the bulk of the housework," Sassler said.

"In fact, these egalitarian partners were ranked slightly higher in all these categories, reporting more frequent sex and greater satisfaction with the frequency and quality of that sex than conventional couples," she added, according to Daily Mail.

Whew! Let's hope the men read this article until the end... there are dirty dishes in the sink.