The Duchess of Cambridge might have made her last solo appearance before going on a maternity leave, the Associated Press reports. Even though the palace has not made an official announcement it is being reported that pregnant Kate Middleton's recent event at the naming ceremony of the Royal Princess cruise ship will be her last solo outing until she gives birth to the royal baby.

On Thursday morning (June 13) the mother-to-be flew to the Southampton Docks in England by helicopter to christen and officially name the newest Princess Cruise ship. The Duchess, who is eight months pregnant, decided to opt out of wearing maternity clothes for the event and instead wore a black and white printed dress from the high-end store, Hobbs. The dress was available online to the public but sold out minutes after Middleton arrived to the event, the Daily Mail reports.

To begin the ceremony Middleton smashed a bottle of champagne on the ship's hull. The gigantic four gallon bottle of Moet and Chandon champagne was too heavy for her to lift so she cut a ribbon that propelled the bottle towards the ship' hull. The audience cheered as the ritual was performed. The bottle-smashing kicked off several other festivities at the event including a performance by Natasha Bedingfield and a formal prayer and blessing from the Bishop of Winchester.

"The event was a celebration of the ship, but also very much a celebration of Middleton and her iconic position in both the U.K. and the world," Yahoo reports.

The naming ceremony dates back to the 19th century and is something taken very seriously.

"I name this ship Royal Princess, may God bless her and all who sail in her," Middleton said at the event. 

Once officially naming the ship the Duchess also took on the role as godmother of the Royal Princess, a position similar to that of a sponsor or patron. Other famous women who have been chosen as godmothers of previous ships include Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Baroness Thatcher.

The ship is expected to make its first trip this summer to the Mediterranean. Middleton is set to appear with the royal family at the upcoming Trooping The Color ceremony and is expected to give birth July 14.