Virtual reality fans will be happy to hear that Samsung has made the Innovator Edition of its virtual reality headset available to the public.

The Gear VR provides wearers with a 360-degree view of a virtual world thanks to the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, which operates as its screen, according to TIME.

Despite the headset being targeted toward early adopters, hence the name "Innovator Edition," anyone in the general public can buy the device.

The Galaxy Note 4 provides a 1440p screen that can refresh up to 60 times per second, TechCrunch reported. Because of the mobile design for the Gear VR, an external camera won't be able to consistently keep track of the wearer's position in space, so users won't be able to play the same games they can on the Oculus Rift.

To solve this problem, Samsung is releasing a Bluetooth controller that will provide control over the more in-depth experiences to be available through Oculus's content hub. The controller comes with a directional pad, action buttons and shoulder buttons, and its available now in a $249 bundle.

Virtual reality company Oculus VR is responsible for developing the software in the Gear VR, TIME reported. The software is just the latest instance of collaboration between Samsung and Oculus, as Samsung provided the panels for Oculus to use in its own VR headsets.

Those looking to explore a virtual world can buy the Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition now for $199.99.