Early last month, current ESPNer and former MLB pitcher Curt Schilling decided to publicly express his beliefs regarding the theory of evolution.

It resulted in a Twitter argument with fellow Worldwide Leader employee Keith Law that left Law suspended from the social media site for 10 days, to the dismay of many.

Instead of keeping his beliefs to himself in spite of all this, Schilling took to Facebook last night to add further insight to the situation, calling out liberals and atheists, saying that both groups know "in their hearts that if it's true their future is not in good shape."

There is enough hate in Schilling's heart for everyone though, as he went on to call out Christians who decided to save face and not jump in to defend him during the argument.

"Unsure of what stunned me more, the anger, hatred and vile tweets from Atheists/Liberals, Democrats or the lack of Christians chiming in? I totally buy evolution within species, 100% as science has easily proven that. But as a Christian did people really need me to tweet that to know how I felt?"

Schilling did admit that he was surprised ESPN did not hand him a suspension like it did to Law.

"Keith Law got suspended from Twitter for publicly arguing the point I think, it certainly wasn't for his opposing view. I like Keith, just thought it odd he'd want to publicly pick that fight, though I had zero problems with it ESPN took action. I actually thought they would suspend me as well, was expecting it."

Law recently returned to Twitter and got the last laugh though. His first post-suspension tweet reads "Eppur si muove." That translates to "yet it moves." the same words Galileo said when the Catholic Church made him take back his theory that the earth revolves around the sun.

Sadly, Bill Simmons is yet to chime in on all this. It would be a sight to see if he decided to actually agree with a fellow ESPN employee on anything, for once, or call out an athlete that played for one of his hometown Boston teams (which is even more rare).