
UFO Sighting? ‘Platform-Like’ UFO Witnessed Hovering Near Arkansas Nuclear Plant For Two Hours (VIDEO)

A "bright, flashy, platform-like object" was seen hovering over a nuclear plant in Arkansas on Nov. 8, according to an eye-witness at Dover.

The UFO was spotted over the Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) water reactor nuclear power plant located near Russellville, Ark., according to testimony in Case 61651 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database, which included a description of the physical effect it had on the witness.

At about 1 a.m. on Nov. 8, the unidentified witness spotted the mysterious object hovering about 20 miles from his home. "It emitted multi-colored lights as it remained stationary in the sky. For the next following two hours I would check on it periodically," said the witness, who has experience flying aircraft.

Around 3 a.m., the object began to move again, OpenMinds reported.

"It ascended a flight path over my house and was completely out of view within three minutes. Object had no sound and had a strange electromagnetic-like feeling pulsate through my body as it flew over me," the witness said, adding that he has tracked other objects in the area.

In recent years, sightings of UFOs have become frequent at nuclear facilities.

On Nov. 5, a UFO was recorded on video above the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station in Mexico, the second to be reported at a nuclear site in the span of two years.

"In October, reports began circulating in France of a fleet of 15 UFOs over seven state-owned nuclear plants. With France's 58 plant commitment to nuclear energy, the sightings were initially suspected to be drones operated by Greenpeace in protest," according to Mysterious Universe. "However, Greenpeace denies any association and the French government and EDF (électricité de France) are said to have no explanations and are investigating the sightings, albeit as 'drone' sightings."

Meanwhile, none of the government agencies have come forward to claim responsibility or offer any information or comments since the sighting was reported.

Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) is a two-unit pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant located on Lake Dardanelle just outside Russellville, Ark.. Known as the only nuclear power plant in Arkansas, it is owned by Entergy Arkansas and operated by Entergy Nuclear.

These circumstances definitely call into question why UFOs are hovering over nuclear plants. Fuel? Weapons? Attack plans? As the number of sightings mount, so do the unanswered questions.

UFO, Arkansas, Nuclear plant
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