With today's economy one would think that Americans would be eager to pounce on any opportunity that arises, but could fear alone prevent career choices?

A recent survey by CareerBuilder, which included 3,103 workers from all industries, asked each employee to identify a position that they would deem as "frightful."

The survey was conducted between Aug. 11 and Sept. 5, and the results demonstrated several different types of the so-called "fear," according to the Houston Chronicle.

The two main causes of fear among the participants were the possibility of being embarrassed while on the job, or worse, physically harmed.

Here is a list of the country's most-feared jobs:

1. Politician: Responsibilities and rejection

2. Microbiologist for Infectious Diseases: Enough said

3. Security Guard at a Concert: Screaming teens at J-Bieb's show

4. Kindergarten Teacher: Germs and temper tantrums

5. Crime Scene Investigator: Dead bodies and gore

6. Animal Trainer: Attacks and allergies

7. Mortician: Rigor Mortis? Also, it's a corpse...

8. Radio, Cellular & Tower Equipment Installer: Heights

9. Stand-Up Comedian: Silent auditorium

Although it is ranked last in this list, number 10 is by far the hardest because it encompasses every fear mentioned above - in some form or another - that these individuals must overcome.

Drum roll, please...

Being a parent.

Yes, this is a job, but unfortunately you don't get paid (at least monetarily), and you'll certainly whip out your wallet a lot more, but children are worth it...right? If you missed your calling to be a Kindergarten teacher, it's your time to shine.