Ubisoft has explained on its company blog why review copies of "The Crew," its upcoming online racing game set in a massive open world, won't be coming out until the game releases for everyone. Mainly, the game needs to be experienced with its online component.

While the game has an offline component, it was really built around online multiplayer. Akin to "Driveclub" or "Destiny," a review of the game will not be able to do it justice if it is not reviewed as it was intended to be played, and that is with thousands of other players online.

With this rationale, review copies are coming at the same date as the official release on December 2. In this way, reviewers won't just be able to test the content Ubisoft has laid out, but the servers' real world performance as well. Ubisoft also insists any reviews made based on their upcoming betas won't reflect the actual game's final quality. In short, they are arguing that for this game, it can only be reviewed in the form that gamers get to play it.

What Ubisoft is also attempting to do here is head the whole "review embargo" issue off at the pass. Many journalists took umbrage with Ubi's handling of the embargoes slapped on the "Assassin's Creed" games that were released a few weeks ago. But, of course, based on what they claim about the game's online nature, embargoes would be a moot point here to begin with.

"The Crew" will be pushing the pedal to the metal on December 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. An open beta will be coming up for the game this November 25, and there is also an extended trailer below: