International Business Machine (IBM) is taking the challenge - like so many others - to create a product that will improve the functionality of email.

IBM launched a new email service provider Tuesday, known as IBM Verse, was designed to act as a personal assistant.

The application uses cloud computing and data analytics - two things the company is known for being successful with - to let the system pick up the habits of the user, making the email experience more personalized, Reuters reported.

"We came at this from the perspective that this is about changing the game, not just incremental improvements in email," Jeff Schick, IBM's general manager of social solutions, told Reuters.

IBM Verse also transforms email content into threads for blogs and social media, allows the user to mute email chains and search through attachments, Reuters reported.

Google is also attempting to change the functionality of email, but unlike Google IBM claims they will not sell the data it gathers about users to advertisers - a sales point that automatically grants more privacy and security.

IBM Verse can be downloaded through IBM's Cloud Marketplace.

Below is a video that gives a visual of how the new email system works: