The Dark Lord of the Sith now has his very own comic series coming from Marvel. There are some preview pages below from the first issue. These pages seem to depict something we didn't see, a "between the cracks" kind of scene from "Return of the Jedi" with Lord Vader visiting Jabba's place on Tatooine. Did this happen before or after the liberation of Han Solo? It's anyone's guess without seeing the rest of the story, but if I had to I would surmise that this visit was after Solo was freed, as Vader was still on his quest to track down Luke and bring him before the Emperor for "turning."

The official synopsis for this series from "The House of Ideas" is as follows:

"Ever since Darth Vader made his first on-screen appearance, he became the one of the most popular villains to ever haunt an audience's dreams! Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of 'Star Wars: A New Hope' (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own series, showing the Empire's war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! Writer Kieron Gillen and artist Salvador Larroca bring us a peek behind the mask of evil!"

"Darth Vader" #1 is due on comic shop shelves in February of 2015. Be sure to check it out! Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the heads up.