Stressed at work? Quit your job...I'm kidding.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or burdened at your current workplace, take a deep breath and read on.

Increasing pressures to perform, toxic work environments and the demands brought on by technological advances and job insecurity are all contributing factors to the rise of workplace stress in recent years, according to the Huffington Post.

When an employee feels as if he or she does not have both the internal and external resources to perform his or her duties, this is when stress begins to take the reins in one's life.

An overload of stress can affect your productivity while on the clock, but can also infiltrate into your daily life, causing physical ailments such as headaches, muscle tension or an upset stomach.

Psychological issues may also arise - depression, anxiety and burnout - which can lead to frustration and result in a poor attitude at work, the HuffPost reported.

A good indication of being burnt out could mean that even the slightest of tasks seem daunting. I'm not talking about work-related duties...more like it is exhausting to take your shoes off, and you may contemplate sleeping with them on your feet.

Social environments at work have a significant impact on the status of your well-being, and could be the source of discomfort. Negative work relationships, interpersonal conflicts, lack of peer support and social isolation are some examples that contributed to a whopping 69 percent of stressed out employees, according to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association. These participants admitted that work was the main source of their troubles, even while trying to function in the comfort of their homes.

Here are some techniques to avoid feeling as if your brain and heart are going to explode at the same time. Hopefully these suggestions will lead to a happy life in every atmosphere.

1. Identify the source of your stress - this is crucial in order to control/manage it

2. Ask for help/support - friends, family and coworkers can provide relief and a different perspective

3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle - balanced diet, exercise and sufficient sleep are the best ways to maintain energy and positivity

4. Have reasonable expectations - do not put too much pressure on yourself and handle one task at a time

5. Instill a sense of community - open communication among supervisors and coworkers eliminates boundaries/hierarchies

6. Adjust your schedule to fit your basic needs - if possible...

7. Pace your duties and manage your time properly - no one wants to let an unfinished project linger over their will follow you into the next day.

8. Voice your opinion - some stressors are under your control (learning how to say to no to unreasonable requests; prioritizing/managing your time more effectively; or shifting your thoughts/beliefs about the situation), while others (urgent deadlines) may require sacrifices, along with a rearranged set of priorities.

9. For managers/organizations - be fair and do not overload employees (we are all humans and can only juggle so many responsibilities at once), plus you'll rake in more dough this way, and will be greeted by smiling faces every day.

10. Enroll in a stress management program - there's a reason why they exist, people.