With Ubisoft’s embargo on “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” lifted, the reviews are pouring in and are, quite frankly, inconsistent.

HNGN’s review for the title is currently in progress, so be sure to check back to see our thoughts on the game, along with a preview of additional content we’re excited to share with you.

For now, see what other sites are saying about the title in our review roundup below. “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” is available now for the Xbox One, PlayStation and PC.

CVG give AC: Unity an 8 out of 10:

“Every extra element is marked on the map - sometimes accompanied by giant beacons in the sky, just so you don't miss them - and those sub-objectives are as easy to unlock as they are unnecessary, like extra toppings rather than entirely separate dishes. They're the best story missions Assassin's Creed has seen, but there's still room for improvement.”

Polygon gives AC: Unity a 6.5 out of 10:

The ingredients are all here for a spectacular new standard for the series on Sony and Microsoft's new machines. But in the quest to build something that looked and sounded 'next generation,' Ubisoft Montreal failed to fix the problems that have accumulated over so many annual releases. Combined with an uninspiring story, and a long list of considerable technical problems, Unity falls short of the fresh start Assassin's Creed needs.

Metacritic users are split with their 411 reviews, with a 5.1 value on a mix of positive and negative feedback:

“As a long time fan of the AC series I had really high expectations for this game. It still lacks in the story department, which is a big minus for me. But it is incredibly beautiful and the controls have improved slightly compared to the other games, There can be thousand of NPC´s on screen at the same time [which] make the city of Paris feel alive…” one user wrote.