Samsung announced at its developer conference Wednesday that it is working on a camera that will work with its Gear VR Headset to capture 3D footage.

The camera module is being developed for the South Korean tech giant's "Project Beyond," which will provide Gear users with a 360-degree view of different virtual worlds, according to The Verge.

Users will be able to stream the footage live at any time they please. The camera has already been tested in San Francisco and other spots in California, recording footage to be viewed through the Gear VR.

The project will use 16 individual high-definition cameras that are arranged to look like a large disc, capturing 25 gigabits of data, or gigapixels, every second, TechCrunch reported.

An added bonus is that you will be able to share your 3D experience with other users, as millions of people will be able to enjoy football games, concerts and other huge events without interrupting each other.

While Project Beyond has yet to receive a release date or price, Samsung said it will release new Gear VR headsets for Galaxy smartphones, which presents the chance that the 3D camera will become available sometime next year.