Here's an interesting, informative infographic that breaks down the worth of a wide range of 1980s toys, video games, and gadgets which are now selling online for significant cash. It's called "1980s Cash In The Attic," and there are several items on this list that I had when I was kid. Man, do I still wish I had them now...just to have them again, not to sell them, of course. Thanks to Digital News Hub and for the heads up.

Some of the more notable toys on this list include: Lazor Light Skeletor, the "A-Team" Van, "Transformers" Optimus Prime, "Transformers" Megatron, "Transformers" Sky Lynx, "Transformers" Hot Rod, "He-Man" BattleCat, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Michelangelo, "G.I Joe" Hit and Run Parachute, and the original Nintendo GameBoy. It's a damn shame I don't have any of these toys or gadgets any longer. I still do have a rather robust collection of cassette tapes that would go really well with one of those old-school, $500 Sony Walkman's.  

From the header of the graphic itself:

"Ever wondered how much all your old toys, comics and gadgets from the 80s are worth? You could have a lot of cash just sitting in boxes in your attic. In this infographic we show you what some gadgets and toys from tester year are being sold for today!"

Check out the infographic for yourself and take a stroll down memory lane. Then go digging through your attic for some pop-culture gold that just may be hiding there!