A Florida high school football player was penalized for "unsportsman-like conduct" when he prayed after scoring the first touchdown of his career.

Sam Turner caught a 27-yard pass in the end zone and excitedly kneeled down and pointed his finger in the air to thank God.

"I said 'thank you, God, for this talent you've blessed me with," Turner recalls to News Press

Sam Sirianni Jr., Turner's coach, said he understands both sides of the story - Turner wasn't trying to disrupt the game, but if a ref feels something is disrupting the game he has to make the call. 

"It's very cool to see how everyone is taking it," Turner told News Press. "I use my faith as a platform for my talents. My teammates are giving my tons of support. They all know I'm strong believer, even though it cost us 15 yards." 

The call against Turner comes after professional football player Tim Tebow - who also began his football career in Florida - often prayed on one knee after a play and the term "Tebowing" was even created for his action. 

Turner told News Press that the next time he gets a touchdown he will pray on the sidelines.