Drones continue to find new, unique purposes, the most recent being shooting pornographic films.

Ghost+Cow, a film company in Brooklyn, NY, managed to use only unmanned aerial vehicles to shoot such a film, which is called "Drone Boning," according to Endgadget.

The scenes are shot in a variety of landscapes from high altitudes, which makes the people in the shot very hard to see.

Brandon LaGanke from Ghost+Cow said the goal of the film to look at issues involving drones and privacy, "this idea of 'make porn, not war,'" Motherboard reported.

"It started as a kind of funny commentary on privacy and voyeurism, but it quickly became a conceptual grounding," he added.

Straight, gay, and lesbian people are shown having sex in different places, such as on a farm, on a beach, in a forest, in the mountains, and on the side of the road. LaGanke said there was one scene cut from the film that was set in a quiet neighborhood, where there was a barbeque going on in one person's backyard and people were having sex in the next yard over.

"The plan was to take beautiful landscapes," LaGanke said, "and just put people fucking in them."

The film hasn't received praise from everyone, such as a local the filmmakers ran into while filming a scene on a beach, Motherboard reported.

"A lady walked up to us and said 'Are you seriously shooting porn on my beach where I walk my dog and kid?'" LaGanke said. "We couldn't even talk to her, we only got one shot off."

John Carlucci, LaGanke's partner, compared "Drone Boning" to the "Where's Waldo?" game in that viewers are trying to spot the two people having sex in a large landscape.

"We wanted to see the artistic value of this perspective," Carlucci said. "It's an omniscient point of view, really. We did these shots in places where you couldn't see much from the ground, but then you put a drone in the air and you can see what's happening."