People who are thinking about bringing their Google Glass to the movies will have to scrap that idea.

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) announced Wednesday that Google Glass and other wearable recording devices are officially banned from movie theaters, according to NBC News. The move follows bans on the device being implemented by several movie chains across the U.S.

The decision was made based on a new "anti-theft policy" developed to combat movie piracy, which the MPAA claims causes the movie industry to lose billions of dollars every year.

Recording devices, from hand-held cameras to smartphones, have been the main tool used for pirating films, CNN Money reported.

MPAA and NATO said theater managers can ask a moviegoer to leave if he/she fails or refuses to comply with the new policy.

"If theater managers have indications that illegal recording activity is taking place, they will alert law enforcement authorities when appropriate, who will determine what further action should be taken," they said.