A model used intensive waist training to transform her body to look like a real-life Jessica Rabbit.

Model Kelly Lee Dekay, 27, wore a restrictive steel-boned tight-laced corset for seven years to achieve her 16-inch waist.

"Growing up I just loved the exaggeration of styles and the beautiful costumesthat comic book characters would wear and that led to the aesthetic that led to tight-lacing," Dekay tells Mirror.

"I like that they wore their personalities externally," she continues. "I understand their measurements cant ever possibly be achieved because they would break but I think it's interesting how fabric and thread can just easily manipulate the body to do such an extreme silhouette."

Although the corset helped Dekay achieve her goal of a super skinny waistline, the waist training wasn't easy to stick with.

Carrying heavy things and walking up stairs are difficult and dangerous tasks to do with a steel corset, such as the one the model donned for several years.

The model also acknowledges the oddity of her decision to become a Jessica Rabbit look-alike.

"Some people really love it, some people really hate it, but I always did it for myself - I didn't really do it for people's reactions," Dekay tells Mirror. "People say it looks unnatural, but I have bright blue hair - what part of me screams I want to be like everybody else?"