Tina Brown, founder and former editor of The Daily Beast, told MSNBC's Morning Joe why President Barack Obama has fallen out of favor, especially for women.

"I think that particularly for women, I don't think he makes them feel safe," the founder and CEO of Tina Brown Live Media said. "I think they're feeling unsafe. They feel unsafe, economically. They're feeling unsafe with regard to ISIS. They're feeling unsafe about Ebola. What they feel unsafe about is the government response to different crises."

Brown's comments were the "why" to Politico reporter Manu Raju's "what," referring to the Democrat's loss of women's votes and women's confidence. Obama was elected over Mitt Romney in 2012 because of the single and suburban mom votes, according to Politico, but Obama has worn out the good graces of the female voter. With midterms only two weeks away, Democratic candidates have been distancing themselves from the president, who himself has made clear that he is not on the ballot, but the policies are.

Raju told the Morning Joe crew it isn't that Republicans are gaining female voters, but the Democrats are hemorrhaging that crucial demographic.

"Listen, there's no doubt that Republicans have been far more disciplined," Brown joked. "They had their rabies shots."

Brown went on to say that Obama's public personality may be a turn off for female voters. "I think they're beginning to feel a bit like Obama is that guy in the corner office, you know, who's too cool for school, calls a meeting, says 'this has to change,' doesn't put anything in place to make sure it does change. Then it goes wrong and he's blaming everybody."

On the other hand, Republicans are doing "very little" for women, according to Brown. "They've blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act for the fourth time since 2012," Brown said. Brown also cited unemployment and the economy as issues for women.