Since it was announced last week that Joaquin Phoenix was no longer in consideration for Marvel Studios' upcoming "Dr. Strange" film, that leaves a spot for a leading man to be cast as "The Master of the Mystical Arts."

For the uninitiated, Doctor Stephen Strange is a former neurosurgeon who experiences a crisis of conscience after a botched surgery, which ultimately leads him to study the mystical arts under the wizened and powerful Ancient One. After much tribulation, Strange then ascends to the role of "Sorcerer Supreme," the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats.

Dr. Strange was created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee, debuting during the "Silver Age" of comics in Strange Tales #110 (July 1963). The character was inspired by the "Chandu the Magician" radio program that aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System in the 1930s.

I say good riddance to Phoenix quite honestly; I never thought he was right for the part, and was unsure why he was being pursued so doggedly. So, here are ten actors I feel are much better suited to play the good Doctor:

Johnny Depp

I think Depp has proven that he can play pretty much any role, and play it damn well in his own, quirky way. He already has a lucrative partnership with Disney on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise (sadly, not so much on the "Lone Ranger" though), so it would just make sense for him to play this part on so many levels, mainly because his name on the poster alone puts butts in seats.

Clive Owen

Clive is cool. Clive is intense. Can Clive play Dr. Strange? Hell yes. I'd forgotten just how good this guy is until Cinemax's "The Knick" came around at the end of this summer. And he plays a surgeon in that as well. Go figure.

Gerard Butler

This Scottish thespian was white-hot after another comic-based film "300" catapulted him into the spotlight in 2006. His career has cooled considerably since then because he's been in a lot of bad films, quite frankly. Playing Dr. Strange would put him back on top, I think...and he played the "Phantom of the Opera" on film as well, and any guy that can do that can play an all-powerful magician.

Richard Armitage

Armitage is kind of a dark horse (cue that damnable Katy Perry song...) candidate here, but I dig his intelligence and steely passion as Thorin Oakenshield in the "Hobbit" films, so it would be rather interesting to see him commanding the Eye of Agamotto.

Lee Pace

Another dark horse who recently played the Marvel villain Ronan the Accuser in "Guardians of the Galaxy," although he was virtually unrecognizable under all that heavy blue and black makeup. He's a handsome devil and, on top of that, this guy can really act. Check out 2006's unsung "The Fall" if you don't believe me.

Tom Hiddleston

Hiddleston is the ultimate dark horse here just because of how popular he became after his universally well-received portrayal of Loki in the "Thor" and "Avengers" films. It's highly doubtful the powers that be would ever consider him for another large/leading role in the Marvel Universe, but they should because he'd be perfect.

Keanu Reeves

Reeves takes a lot of guff for his acting skills (or lack thereof), but I've always found him rather watchable in whatever he's in. The exception to that statement being 1993's "Dracula," where he was just completely out of his depth. Here, I think Reeves' detached coolness would bring something special and intangible that would work very well for the part. Plus, like Johnny Depp, his name alone is a box office draw.

Ewen McGregor

After McGregor publicly stated that he wanted an Obi Wan Kenobi stand-alone film, I think it would be difficult to woo him into doing another kind of action/super hero film, but since both Marvel and "Star Wars" properties are owned by the House of Mouse these days, I wouldn't rule the affably charming McGregor out. And he would look damn good rocking Dr. Strange's trademark red cloak/cape.

Jared Leto

Believe it or not, Leto is the only Oscar winner on this list, so he's got the chops, but does he have the interest? Leto's band, 30 Seconds to Mars, seems to be his main focus these days. Plus, he seems to think of himself as "above" the super hero genre, and does the world really need a hipster super hero? I think not. Still, he would be an intriguing option as the "rock 'n' roll" version of Strange.

Benedict Cumberbatch

The Cumberbatch is the obvious choice here. I mean, really. Marvel/Disney should just back up the Brink's truck and give the man whatever it is he wants to play this part. Just the thought of him uttering the Dr. Strange catchphrase: "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!" in his mellifluous, English baritone sends fanboy chills down my spine. Make this happen, Marvel. Now.