Pet owners know that missing your pet while on vacation is a real thing. And pet owners know the joy pets exude when reunited with their owners, even after a quick jaunt to the grocery store. Now, there is a way to two-way chat with your pet   ̶  and even dish out treats  ̶  while out of the house. 

Brooke Martin of Spokane, Washington was the inaugural winner of GeekWire's "Inventions We Love" competition with her app, iCPooch. 

"iCPooch connects to your home Wifi network and you can use it through our free app, which you can download on any Apple or Android device," said Martin in her presentation. "You don't have to worry about training your dog to answer like a Skype call. It automatically comes up for them."

The device even holds treats and releases the reward with the touch of a button.

Martin is now 14 years old, but the app had been in development for 2 years. According to Martin, 400 units have been shipped in the last two months.

Martin said her golden retriever had terrible separation anxiety, along with 10 million other dogs in the U.S., according to Martin's research. Easing her family's dog's depression was Martin's inspiration.

Watch Martin's presentation here.