Philadelphia officials reached an agreement Wednesday on a bill that will decriminalize pot, making it the largest U.S. city so far to relax its marijuana laws, MyFoxPhilly reported.

Starting Oct. 20, people caught with amounts of marijuana 30 grams or less will not be arrested but instead pay a $25 fine, according to the agreement reached by Mayor Michael Nutter and Councilman James Kenney. Offenders will also receive a "Notice of Violation," similar to a parking ticket.

Nutter made it clear "the bill will not legalize marijuana," according to the station. "Rather, it will decriminalize marijuana."

Violators caught with more than 30 grams or found to be selling pot or driving while high will be arrested, the mayor's office said.

"We want to ensure that the punishment for using or possessing a small amount of marijuana is commensurate with the severity of the crime while giving police officers the tools they need to protect the health and well-being of all Philadelphians," Nutter said, MyFoxPhilly reported.

The city council passed the original bill in June, but Nutter said he would sign it only if changes were made, such as a $100 fine or community service for those caught smoking marijuana in public, a "non-criminal offense."

Those changes were made to the new bill which Kenney, its sponsor, called "a step in the right direction for this city," according to MyFoxPhilly.  

Kenney said black Philadelphians were unfairly impacted by arrests for pot possession. Over 80 percent of the 4,614 arrested in 2013 for pot possession in small amounts were black, the Philadelphia City Paper reported. However, studies show the number of black and white people who smoke weed is the about same.

Nutter is expected to sign the bill once it appears before the city council on Thursday.                

Marijuana possession remains a criminal offense under Pennsylvania law and is still completely illegal under federal law.