There is a possibility the teaser chapters of “Winds of Winter” could be adapted into the fifth season of “Game of Thrones.”

Winter Is Coming reports new set photos of Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), Roger Ashton-Griffiths (Mace Tyrell), Ian Beattie (Meryn Trant), and Mark Gatiss (Tycho Nestoris are the latest cause for speculation.

The set photos allegedly depict a scene from George R.R. Martin’s sixth “A Song of Fire and Ice” installment, “Winds of Winter.”

“Tyrell and Trant are direct substitutions for characters who haven’t had strong roles on Game Of Thrones, but have important positions in the sample chapter,” according to Winter Is Coming.

“This means that the show is likely moving forward to encapsulate her chapters in A Feast For Crows, A Dance With Dragons, and part of The Winds Of Winter. This is, I think, a very good thing for Arya, whose chapters in those books were surprisingly disconnected.”

Check out the set photos, along with the Winter Is Coming’s break down of the images, here.

In other “Game of Thrones” news, the HBO production has reportedly received permission to film Cersei Lannister’s big nude scene in Croatia. Without giving too much away, Cersei is required to do a penance walk in order to atone for her crimes.

“We're told the film commissioners changed their initial ruling upon realizing how much pleasantry ‘Game of Thrones’ doth bring the townspeople. It also brings in a lot of copper pennies,” according to TMZ.

Cersei’s big nude scene occurs in “A Dance of Dragons.” It is a major part of the “A Song of Fire and Ice” saga and the showrunners reportedly didn’t want to cut it from season five. The scene will be shot in front of Church of St. Nicholas in Dubrovnik, Croatia, but actress Lena Headey won’t be allowed to walk inside nude.