Warner Bros. has registered DC Comics-related domain names that could hint at the upcoming films, but fans shouldn’t get excited just yet.

AquamanMovie.com, JusticeLeagueFilm.com, ShazamMovie.com and WonderWomanTheMovie.com are the domain names in question. If you enter the URL in your browser, the links go back to Warner Bros. official website.

However, ComicBook.com reports some of the Warner Bros. URLs have been around for years. ShazamMovie.com was originally registered in 2000 while WonderWomanTheMovie.com was taken over by Warner Bros. in 1999.

There are also other domain names Warner bros registered years ago: MetalMenMovie.com, SandmanMovie.com, SwampThingMovie.com, PlasticManMovie.com, and DeadmanMovie.com.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is currently working on the “Sandman” movie, which was registered in 2001. However, Levitt’s involvement in the production was announced earlier this year.

According to Comic Book, MetalMovie.com was registered in 2007, SwampThingMovie.com was registered in 2009, PlasticManMovie.com was registered in 1999 and DeadmanMovie.com was registered in 2009.

However, there is a possibility these film will be made in the next six years. Warner Bros. recently confirmed their DC film lineup through 2020, according to TheWrap.

Untitled DC Film - 08/05/16
Untitled DC Film - 06/23/17
Untitled DC Film - 11/17/17
Untitled DC Film - 03/23/18
Untitled DC Film - 07/27/18
Untitled WB Event Film - 11/16/18
Untitled DC Film - 04/05/19
Untitled DC Film - 06/14/19
Untitled DC Film - 04/03/20
Untitled DC Film - 06/19/20
Untitled WB Event Film - 11/20/20

The only DC title with a confirmed release date is “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which is set to hit theaters on March 25, 2016.

Which DC Comics would you like to see adapted to the big screen? Let us know in the comments section below.