A paranormal group claims to have captured evidence of spiritual activity in a property in Chester, England, according to Southport Visiter.

Sefton Paranormal Investigations were ghost hunting in Stanley Palace on June 28 when they captured what appears to be ghostly evidence.

The investigation's footage reportedly shows the image of a person standing on a staircase inside the 16th century Tudor building, the Southport Visiter reported.

"We were informed by the curator that there was a staircase with a door underneath it, where a man died," said Aaron Robinette, co-founder of the paranormal investigation team, who can also be seen in the video along with team member Joanna May.

"In the video, I'm sat on a chair and Joe is at the staircase and we're calling out to spirits."

Robinette said nothing abnormal happened while they were in the building. It was when they played the video back that they made the discovery.

"It appears and disappears in shot, all in front of the camera," Robinette said.

The figure was described as a solid person with a visible nose, mouth and hair and looks at the camera first before looking up at the stairs.

Robinette said that he believes it is paranormal because, "We [tried] to disprove it and ... we can't find a natural explanation, like shadows or reflections."

The video had over 7,000 views on its first day online and since then has been seen by over 24,000 people.

The team uses numerous techniques, like laying down trigger objects and using franks boxes to initiate spiritual interaction, the Southport Visiter reported.

Sefton Paranormal Investigations has been active for over five years and consists of five members. Fees charged by the team for events and tours are donated to Claire House, the charity they chose for 2014, according to Southport Visiter.

The team will be investigating Liverpool Town Hall on October 31.