According to Democracy Now!, the White House accidentally sent the Associated Press an email containing various talking points about alleged torture practice used by the CIA. The document sent to AP editors stated officials from the CIA told U.S. ambassadors of countries where the CIA held various secret prisons to not inform their higher-ups at the State Department about the existence of these secret prisons.

The Senate's classified four-page report also stated how the CIA kept then-Secretary of State Colin Powell in the dark about the existence of these secretly-held prisons. According to The Blaze, Powell was eventually made aware about the existence of the prisons, as well as various brutal interrogation techniques employed by the CIA in these prisons.

Politico's media reporter Hadas Gold wrote on July 31 that in the document, the AP also discovered that the report, of which a summary is due to be published in the coming weeks, was quoted as saying, "this report tells a story of which no American is proud" while adding, "but it is also part of another story of which we can be proud."

"America's democratic system worked just as it was designed to work, in bringing an end to actions inconsistent with our democratic values," the message read.

In addition to the published findings in the report, there were also a list of various questions and answers that may be asked by various reporters and journalists over the determinations made by the Senate in the report, mainly concerning various techniques used by the CIA in these prisons were much more harsh than stated by the CIA, along with the deliberate leading-on of various high-ranking officials at the State Department, including Powell.

You can find both the full report done by the AP, as well as the actual document sent to the AP here.