A veteran editor at an Iowa newspaper says he was fired after he expressed his dissenting opinion about a Gay-friendly version of the Bible.

Bob Eschliman, former editor at the Newton Daily News, wrote on his personal blog on April 28 that a version of the Bible re-written to appeal to Gay people was really meant to "make their sinful nature right with God," according to the Christian Broadcasting Network.

"If you ask me, it sounds like the Gaystapo is well on its way," Eschliman wrote criticizing the Queen James Bible, which presents an edited version of traditional Bible verses that refer to homosexuality.

"We must fight back against the enemy," the editor wrote.

Eschliman said his boss called him to his office and placed him on indefinite leave with pay two days after he wrote the blog. By May 5, he was fired, Fox News reported. On top of that, the Newton Daily News published an editorial slamming the fired editor for his religious views.

"While he [Bob] is entitled to his opinion, his public airing of it compromised the reputation of this newspaper and his ability to lead it," wrote John Rung, the editorial's author, according to Fox News.

The Christian journalist has since filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the paper and its parent company, Shaw Media, for discriminating against him because of his religious views.

Eschliman told Fox News that when he wrote about the "enemy," he was not referring to homosexuals, but to Satan. "Enemy" is a term often used when referring to Satan in Christianity.

The scandal has left Eschliman deeply wounded.

"As a journalist, I know how important the First Amendment is for our country," he told Fox News. "As an editor, I've always felt it's dangerous for a newspaper to censor anybody's ideas- whether they agree with them or disagree with them."