Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd might play a young Princess Leia in J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars Episode 7" production. 

The Daily Mail reports Lourd has already flown into London to join her mother on the Pinewoods set.  Lourd, 21, will allegedly portray Leia in flashback sequences.

"She will even have her hair tied up in Princess Leia-style buns. She's an aspiring actress and singer so she grabbed the opportunity with both hands," a source told The Sun.  "Carrie backed the move as she wanted somebody in her family to play her most famous role."

The "Star Wars Episode 7" production hasn't confirmed Lourd's casting, but it would be the aspiring actress' first major film role.  Fisher and the official "Star Wars" cast took part in a table read last April when the film's casting was announced.  Actor Andy Serkis recently spoke to SciFiNow about "Star Wars" table read. 

"I'm thrilled, deeply excited. Sitting at that read-through the other day was just extraordinary," Serkis said.  "It was an amazing event; being with the original cast was just incredible. I just think the script is so wonderful, and both the old and the newbies in the cast are just so thrilled and excited to get together."

Serkis also dished about meeting with director J.J. Abrams for the first time about the production.  According to SciFiNow, Serkis only need to sit down with Abrams' once to land a role in the production.

"It's extraordinary," Serkis said.  "I grew up with Star Wars and was a massive fan of the original films. I never imagined in a million years that I'd be engaging with this. It's just come about so organically. J.J. Abrams and I met, and we just had this incredible kind of vibe between us."

"Star Wars Episode 7" is slate to hit theaters on Dec. 18, 2015.