Ubisoft's "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag" allowed gamers to get Edward Kenway drunk, but Kenway's drunkard antics are nothing compared "Watch Dogs" Aiden Pearce's "digital trips."

For those of you who have yet to stumble across them in "Watch Dogs," a digital trip allows Pearce to enter an alternate reality through an "auditory hallucination." One can argue it's a reference to MDMA or any other type of drug that causes hallucinations, but "Watch Dogs" dances around the idea.

Anyway, there are four types of digital trips in the game. Check out the description of the "trips" below along with videos of what you will encounter below, courtesy of IGN.

1. Alone

"Test your stealth skills as you attempt to liberate districts of Chicago from robotic ctOS overlords. You won't fail if you get discovered, but you'll probably get killed." (Source: IGN)

2. Madness

"Madness puts players behind the wheel of a powerful muscle car in an apocalyptic version of Chicago overrun with demonized police officers. Complete various challenges which primarily focus on running them over for points." (Source: IGN)

3. Psychedelic

"Bounce from hallucinatory flower to hallucinatory flower as you traverse Chicago. You only lose if you come back down to ground level." (Source: IGN)

4. Spider Tank

"Take control of a powerful (and highly experimental) walking tank and complete the challenges provided. They can range from destroying vehicles to smashing satellite transmitters to crashing helicopters... you're in a Spider Tank, you destroy stuff." (Source: IGN)

Speaking of the "Assassin's Creed" series, "Watch Dogs" has a few Easter Eggs referencing the franchise hidden around Chicago. There have been three references of the "Assassin's Creed" franchise found by gamers so far. You can check out the Easter Eggs here.

What do you think of the "Watch Dogs" title? Let us know your thoughts and include which console you're playing the game on in the comments section below.