"Breaking Bad" fans are excited and confused about actor Bryan Cranston's comments about the franchise to CNN.

[Warning: this article contains show spoilers.  If you haven't gotten around to finishing the series, stop reading now!]

Cranston teased to CNN his beloved character Walter White might not be dead, leaving the possibility of more "Breaking Bad" episodes in the future.

"Hey, you never saw bags zip up or anything. Or say ... you know." He left the rest up to viewers' imaginations," Cranston said, adding in "never say never."

Many fans claimed the "Breaking Bad" series finale was one of the best show finales of all time.  Continuing the story after many assumed  Cranston's character was dead might be dragging on a good thing. 

"The ending of Breaking Bad was perfect. Milking it for more money would only diminish it," one CNN commenter wrote.

"I want to know what happens to Jesse in Alaska. Did he really change? [Do] his demons catch up to him? Lots of method head fishermen up there.

But yes, Walt's story and ending was perfect and shouldn't be touched," another added.

Rolling Stone's 2013 series finale recap summed it up best regarding Walter White's death and how important it was for the series to end the way it did:

"He died knowing that what he'd done was wrong, which is basically why he wanted to die in the first place. He taught himself a lesson and left the audience knowing exactly how to feel about it, which made it hard to feel devastated, or disgusted, or delighted, or anything much more powerful than merely satisfied. Walt built a box to die in, climbed in, and pulled the lid shut after himself. It was a beautiful box. I just wish it had remained ever so slightly open."

What do you think about a possible revival of the "Breaking Bad" series?  Let us know in the comments section below.