A Milwaukee bra ban at a bar has been lifted after the city backed down on its order that the bar had to take down dozens of bars that had been hanging from its ceiling, according to reports.

Holler House owner Marcy Skowronski said she began the tradition of hanging bras from the ceiling some 45 years ago. Skowronski and her friends had a couple of drinks and afterwards, they threw their bras onto skis hanging from the bar's ceiling.

"We've had bras hanging here for 45 years. It's been a charm of the place. So here comes this gal, and she's walking in here like Lady Astor's pet horse, you know, and she says she wants those bras down because they're a fire hazard. Now how can a bra be a fire hazard unless someone is wearing it? Honest to God," she told JS Online.

Actually, I don't know about Lady Astor or whether she had a horse, but I do believe that bras rarely ignite, either when worn or if repurposed as tavern art. Ald. Bob Donovan, who jumped in on Skowronski's side, said, "I'm no expert, but aren't bras flame resistant anyway? I know some of them are awfully hot."

The 87-year-old great-grandmother went to the city Tuesday to appeal but missed the deadline. So her son-in-law took the bras down for fear they would get a fine, which according to the official inspection order can run from $150 to $10,000 a day.

"Long story short, common sense prevailed and the city backed down," said her alderman, Bob Donovan

"We're going to have a rehang the bras party over there and perhaps charge at the door," he added. "And any money we are able to bring in, the proceeds will go to buying a little common sense for the Department of Neighborhood Services."