Selena Gomez's parents reportedly want her to cut all ties with Justin Bieber. Sources told Hollywood Life that Mandy and Brian Teefy really want Gomez to reportedly check back into rehab. The 21-year-old singer completed a stint in rehab at the beginning of the year to deal with personal issues.

According to Hollywood Life, Gomez's parents think she needs some "much needed rest and clarity" to deal with her "depression and anxiety."

"They have always wanted her to take rehab seriously because she never has, and that would be the best thing for her. Her parents have been weak trying to make it happen, but are now trying to buckle down on it, even using her little sister to motivate her," the source said.

Reportedly her parents have told Gomez that until she gets help she won't be able to see her baby sister. The source told Hollywood Life that it seems to be working and the signer wants to keep her life on track.

However, Gomez is said to be having a tough time moving on from Bieber even though there were reports that she broke up with him. According to The Sun, Gomez believes Bieber was cheating on her with reality star Kylie Jenner during Coachella Music Festival.

"She is not ready to let go of Justin though and he's a main culprit in this whole mess. Her mom thinks rehab is the ticket because it will force her to stay away from Justin and get some much-needed rest and clarity," the source told Hollywood Life.

"Selena's main issues are depression and anxiety and obviously when she drinks alcohol, it only amplifies the problem. She also has trouble sleeping, which makes everything worse," the source added. "Her family, especially her mom, attributed many of her troubles to hanging out with the 'wrong crowd,' Justin included."