There was a mixture of excitement and trepidation from fans when Disney announced earlier in the year that J.J. Abrams would direct the next Star Wars movie. It left some, namely his "Star Trek" fan base, wondering the fate of that franchise.

Abrams already shot the second "Star Trek" film, "Star Trek: Into Darkness," and was slated to begin a third film for the franchise before he received the "Star Wars" job in January.

The latest "Star Trek" film, which opens May 17, stars Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. In advance of the film opening, they have spoken with reporters about Abrams' decision to helm "Star Wars" and what it means for their franchise, according to the L.A. Times.

"As a friend to a friend I was ecstatic for him," Pine said, of learning that Abrams will direct the next "Star Wars" film. "If there's one person specifically designed to take care of a project that big, it's J.J., just seeing how he operates on a $200-something-million project like 'Star Trek.' I would only be unhappy if he didn't come back and direct the third ['Star Trek' movie]. I don't know what it means for that."

"Knowing J.J., this makes perfect sense," Quinto said. "Knowing the legacy he's building for himself, as one of the most accomplished directors of his time, it wasn't surprising. It made me really happy to know that he loves it so much. He's the 'Star Wars' guy. He's got all his bases covered. It's the ultimate dream fulfillment."

Both actors are empathetic of Abram's decision to essentially trade one Sci-fi franchise for another.

"The 'Star Wars' franchise for many of us was profoundly important," Pine added. "It was a big experience in the history of cinema. So to be given the keys to that franchise, to be asked to reinvent it, I can completely understand why he jumped at the opportunity."

Abrams is signed on to produce the third "Star Trek" film, but it is unknown whether he will direct it.

"Star Wars: Episode VII" is scheduled to release in 2015.