Motorola has confirmed that the successor to its customizable Moto X smartphone is set for a summer release and will be made in the U.S. with self-designing options like in the original version.

Motorola is currently under a massive transition as it is being bought by Lenovo in a bid worth $2.91 billion, but that hasn't stopped the company from moving ahead in the smartphone race. During this week's Mobile World Congress, Motorola conducted a Q&A session on Twitter answering users queries about the company's future plans.

The Q&A session on Wednesday led to some significant revelations, including the one which confirmed Motorola is developing a smartwatch, which it will release sometime later this year. Answering one of the follower's questions on Twitter, the phone maker hinted at a summer release for its next Moto X smartphone.

Q from twitter: When is next version of Moto X? A: Keep posted - hint - late summer. #MotoMWC

- Motorola Mobility (@Motorola) February 25, 2014

The original Moto X was launched in the U.S. in August last year. The handset was widely touted for its U.S. manufacturing and the highly customizable options. Unlike other phones in the market, buyers can choose different colors for the back cover, front panel, accent, and even get a personalized welcome message while booting up the phone. The smartphone eventually came to the United Kingdom but without the Moto Maker option like in the U.S.

The Q&A session also disclosed information about the original Moto X entering the Indian market in the next few weeks. Motorola did not specify the exact date for the release. The introduction of Moto X in India follows the popular demand for the Moto G smartphone, which was sold out in less than an hour through exclusive online retailer, Flipkart. The company calls it Motorola's most successful smartphone launch.

It is unlikely the customizable Moto Maker edition will make its way to India, since the option is limited only to U.S. buyers. Motorola also clarified the change of ownership will not affect its timely updates as the company plans to continue using Google's Android platform.