President Biden Meets With His Cabinet At The White House For Update On Current Issues Facing The Nation
(Photo : Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 02: U.S. President Joe Biden holds a Cabinet meeting at the White House on October 02, 2023 in Washington, DC. Biden held the meeting to discuss economic legislation, artificial intelligence, and gun violence.

In a move to provide reassurance to allies regarding US support for Ukraine, President Joe Biden held a call with world leaders on Tuesday, as confirmed by the White House.

This action comes in the wake of Congress passing a short-term government funding bill that notably excluded aid for Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict with Russia.

US Aid for Ukraine

During a Tuesday press briefing at the White House, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby reported that the president had reaffirmed the United States' unwavering commitment to supporting Ukraine in its defense efforts.

According to Politico, Kirby also mentioned that every other leader on the call expressed a similar commitment.

During the conversation, the leaders engaged in a discussion regarding ongoing efforts to ensure Ukraine's access to necessary ammunition and weapon systems for the purpose of defending its territory.

Additionally, they emphasized the importance of bolstering Ukraine's air defenses in anticipation of potential attacks on vital infrastructure. During the conversation, the group also discussed their efforts to align and expand donor support for Ukraine's economic recovery.

They emphasized the importance of working with the global community to tackle the energy, economic, and food security challenges resulting from Russia's deliberate war. This information was reported in a White House readout of the conversation.

Amid growing concerns from the Pentagon regarding the limited resources available for deployment to Ukraine, the call has been made to address the pressing issue of driving Russian forces out of the country's territory.

In a concerning development, it has been revealed that the Defense Department currently possesses an extensive arsenal of weapons valued at $5.4 billion that could potentially be dispatched to Ukraine.

However, a pressing issue has arisen as the department finds itself rapidly depleting its financial resources to restock its own inventory. During the briefing, Kirby stated that, based on the remaining resources and the rate at which support has been given, it is estimated that a period of approximately a couple of months may be required.

According to the White House, a number of world leaders participated in a call with President Biden on Tuesday. These leaders include Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, along with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council President Charles Michel, also participated in the event.

In a move that has left the future of Ukraine aid uncertain, President Biden signed a bill on Saturday to fund US government operations until mid-November. However, this bill notably overlooked the billions in additional funds for Kyiv that Biden had requested in late August.

The outlook for Ukraine aid remains unclear as a result of this decision. In a notable development, the president, along with congressional Democratic leaders, emphasized their anticipation for then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to honor his public pledge regarding Ukraine aid, despite ongoing Republican opposition.

Read Also: Kevin McCarthy Ousted as Speaker of the House in a Historic First 

US Budget Measure

President Biden made implications suggesting that he had reached an agreement with Speaker McCarthy regarding the movement of Ukraine aid after the government's funding was secured. However, Speaker McCarthy has denied any such agreement, and the White House has chosen not to provide further details on the president's comments.

McCarthy has expressed his support for connecting the allocation of fresh funds to Ukraine with the enhancement of security measures at the United States' border with Mexico. In a statement on Tuesday, Kirby reported that the White House expressed its support for both issues individually, emphasizing that they should not be linked together.

Moreover, McCarthy found himself being ejected from his own job on the House floor. In the midst of the speaker's gavel dispute, the White House has declared its neutrality, while Kirby has underscored that various House GOP leaders, beyond McCarthy alone, are in favor of providing aid to Ukraine.

In a statement following the call, President Andrzej Duda of Poland reported that President Biden had conveyed his commitment to providing ongoing support for Ukraine and expressed his firm belief that Congress would not abandon the cause.

Amidst the White House's efforts to advocate for ongoing assistance to Ukraine, a group of lawmakers and military veterans gathered outside the US Capitol to amplify their own plea for the continuation of funding.

Many raised concerns that if the United States were to halt its support to Ukraine, it could embolden Russia and other adversaries to consider invading additional democratic allies following Ukraine. This, in turn, might lead to a situation where US forces could be drawn into direct conflict.

Retired Brig. Gen. Mark Arnold, a distinguished veteran of the special forces, emphasized the global significance of the ongoing debate surrounding the potential abandonment of Ukraine.

Arnold expressed his belief that retreats to isolationism are ineffective. According to recent statements, it has been suggested that the defeat of Ukraine could potentially lead to a rise in strength for China, Russia, and other adversaries.

The decision to exclude funding for Ukraine has been made just over a week following a meeting between lawmakers and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Capitol. In an effort to instill confidence, he made it a point to emphasize that his military was making significant strides in the war. However, he underscored the importance of receiving further support to ensure continued success.

The voting that took place in the House last week has indicated potential trouble on the horizon. In a surprising turn of events, approximately 50% of House Republicans made the decision to reduce the budget of a defense spending bill by a staggering $300 million.

This significant cut specifically targeted the allocation of funds intended for training Ukrainian soldiers and procuring essential weaponry. In a separate development, the money was later approved. However, those who oppose Ukraine support rejoiced at the increasing size of their ranks.

In response to Russia's invasion, the United States has approved four rounds of aid to Ukraine, amounting to approximately $113 billion. A portion of this financial assistance has been allocated towards replenishing the US military equipment that was deployed to the front lines. In a recent statement, President Biden urged Congress to allocate an extra $24 billion.

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