Ex-NFL Star Michael Oher Accuses Tuohy Family of Using Him for Profit, Claims Adoption is a ‘Lie’
(Photo : Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
Ex-NFL star Michael Oher claims that the adoption that inspired the blockbuster film 'The Blind Side,' starring Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, and Quinton Aaron, is "a lie."

Two Nigerian men have been extradited to the United States on charges of orchestrating an international sextortion ring that regrettably led to the suicide of a Michigan teen.

Samuel Ogoshi, 22, and Samson Ogoshi, 20, both of Lagos, Nigeria, are facing charges for their alleged participation in a scheme that used hacked social media accounts to lure victims into explicit conversations and then extorted them with the threat of releasing compromising images and videos, Fox News reported.

Nigerian Men Extradited to US Over Online Sextortion

Another suspect, Ezekial Ejehem Robert, 19, is anticipated to follow suit in extradition. The modus operandi of the alleged sextortion operation was elaborate. The suspects would purchase compromised social media accounts, adopting the personas of young women to entice teenagers and young adult men into engaging in explicit conversations accompanied by compromising visual content.

The crux of the scheme lay in the subsequent threats of exposing these materials unless the victims paid ransoms. Among their victims was 17-year-old Jordan DeMay, who received a chilling message from a username "dani.robertts," stating, "All you've to do is cooperate with me and I won't expose you."

The tragic consequences of this ruthless manipulation were stark as Jordan succumbed to the emotional strain, leading to his suicide. Samuel Ogoshi, accused of sending these messages to DeMay, now faces the charge of causing his death.

If convicted, this charge carries a mandatory sentence of 30 years to life in federal prison. The surge in sextortion cases, driven by the proliferation of artificial intelligence, is a growing concern.

The criminal indictment in May 2023 against the Ogoshi brothers and Robert outlined their alleged crimes, showcasing a disturbing trend that has witnessed a 322% increase in sextortion cases between February 2022 and February 2023, with further spikes reported since April.

Although sextortion isn't new, the pandemic has exacerbated the situation, with the FBI noting a staggering 463% surge in reported cases from 2021 to 2022. The availability of open-source AI tools has emboldened predators, making it easier for them to exploit victims. The indictment was submitted in federal court in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Samuel and Samson Ogoshi are currently present.

They are facing charges of conspiring to sexually exploit minors and distribute child pornography. Samuel carries additional charges related to sexual exploitation resulting in death. While the extradition of the third suspect, Robert, is still pending, the impact of the crimes is already palpable.

Jordan DeMay's father, John DeMay, expressed the devastating loss his family experienced due to these heinous acts, emphasizing the ruthless nature of the crime that took his son's life in the most insidious way possible, according to Mirror.

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Alarming Rise of Sextortion Cases

Sextortion, according to the FBI, involves coercing victims into providing sexually explicit images, followed by threats to share these materials publicly or with the victim's loved ones. Although financially motivated, the consequences are profoundly personal and deeply traumatic for the victims. Predators, often operating from different countries, use explicit images to manipulate and extort money from their victims or their families.

The age group most targeted by these predators falls between 10 and 17 years old, with males being the predominant victims. While girls are also targeted, the data reflects a higher number of victimized boys. The FBI has labeled financial sextortion as a global crisis, underscoring the urgency of international collaboration in combating this distressing trend.

Devin J. Kowalski, the acting special agent in charge of the FBI in Michigan, conveyed the Bureau's commitment to preventing young men and women from falling victim to this harrowing crime.

The extradition of the accused Nigerian men underscores the importance of addressing this issue at a global level. It highlighting the pressing need for awareness, education, and legislation to protect vulnerable individuals from the reach of these ruthless predators, as per Daily News.

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