The 96th birthday cake of a New York man certainly gave him a shocking taste of life! He found a dead rat in his cake!

The shock came not after cutting the delicious-looking German apple ring cake but actually when Joseph Valente took a bite of it. "He said, 'It doesn't taste right,'" Valente's nephew Neil Gold told ABC News affiliate WABC.

Gold later noticed a line of black mold. "We saw it was coming from the bottom. We flipped it over and seemed to be a rat's tail,' Gold, told ABC7.  "

 The cake was bought from a grocery store in the Hamlet of Commack in Suffolk County. "He's had all their cakes. He loves their cake. It has to be King Kullen," Gold said. He took the cake to his friend, attorney Ed Yule, who said the cake must have been tampered. "I personally am of the opinion that this cake was tampered with,' Yule said, reports the Daily Mail.

The attorney added that they were deciding on taking the rat-infested cake to state officials for testing. "What's King Kullen have to say about this?" Yule demanded.

King Kullen issued a statement saying that they removed the product from the bakery and the premises underwent inspection. "There is no known safety or rodent issues in this bakery." It also said that they had fresh bakeries in their stores for over 30 years and never such incident was reported before.

Gold said that he was thankful that Valente was not admitted to hospital after eating the cake.