‘Avoid Brick Texts: ’Ex-Google Headhunter Urges Applicants to Make Resumes Have Some Sense
(Photo : Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Former Google recruiter and Continuum CEO Nolan Church tells applicants to make their attractive first impression through their resumes by avoiding what he called ‘brick texts.’

Continuum CEO Nolan Church revealed what he thought was the top common mistake made by job applicants on their resumes which could prevent them from landing their dream job at the tech giant Google.

Church, who formerly worked as a recruiter for Google from 2012 to 2015 told CNBC the top thing he does not want to see in a resume was "brick texts," which he described as an "endless stream of text" that has a lot of words but lacks any context.

"There's zero chance you're going to move forward," he added pertaining to resume block texts.

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Good First Impression via One's Resume a Must-Have, Continuum CEO Says

Google jobs are incredibly competitive, as the company is receiving as many as two million applicants per year, according to the Forbes 2014 report, which prompts applicants to impress recruiters from the get-go.

Church added the ability to be "concise" in pitching one's self is a crucial skill, which would mean a person's professional survival or death. He also advised applicants to use apps like ChatGPT or Grammarly to polish and tighten their resumes.

Google has cut 12,000 jobs earlier this year in an effort to cut costs, which makes the hiring process even more stringent and difficult.

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