Omaha Teen ‘Wannabe’ Serial Killer Arrested for Attempted Assault
(Photo : SUSANA BATES/AFP via Getty Images)
An Omaha Teen expressed his desire to be a serial killer and had attempted assault on a woman and infant while laughing when he tried to set them alight.

Nebraska, an Omaha teen trying to be a serial killer was caught in an attempted assault trying to set on fire a woman and infant. He tried to set ablaze people inside their cars in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, charged with three felonies and assault.

Omaha Teen Wants To Be a Serial Killer

The police caught the suspect, and he is now held in juvenile court due to being a minor. The Omaha police recount how a woman saw a young boy go toward her car in 2022 on the road to the mall. Next, the boy, 15, doused a flammable substance on his victim and tried to flame up a lighter, according to Meaww.

His attempt failed, and he tried to kill another victim and set his sights on another car with a woman and an infant trying to do the same thing, KETV reported.

Details said that mother said that the teen was giggling like a maniac trying to roast her car with them in it. After the arrest of the unhinged teen was revealed last Monday, January 23, the court had a record of the suspect's mental issues.

Court Documents Cite Suspect's Attempted Assaults

Facts in the court documents verified the circumstances of the arrest on November 28, 2022, highlighting his intention to burn people. Disclosures comment the teen was home sick from school when he did the assaults. Reported he went out and bought a butane torch and accelerant, rode on the city bus, then went to the mall that day, noted Dark News.

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The perpetrator has been enrolled in the Omaha Public Schools Integrated Learning Program since 2019. Court documents show that he has violent tendencies leading to four weapon violations from that time. He brought to school a butcher's knife twice, then a butter knife, and a stun gun in one instance.

Suspect Threatened To Harm Others

More information indicated that he exhibited excessive homicidal tendencies by normal and frequent threats against school staff and students, he wanted to kill them. It got worse as he said he wanted to rape all the high school girls in the school.

Documents further state that the accused teen boy was sent to Immanuel several times for intervention due to homicidal and suicidal behavior. An observation relates that he cannot see reality from fantasy and desires to be a serial killer that burns victims. He has developmental problems and should not be eligible for inpatient mental health care stated in the file.

A supervisor connected to the Region 6 Professional Partners program told his mother they could no longer handle the boy. Adding her disinterest is serious, and she does not seem to care, trying to get community services but is limited by poverty and inaccessibility.

More details were learned from the court files that disclosed how his mother feared the boy and built lockboxes at home as barriers for her safety. After the assault, he was arrested and transferred to the Douglas County Youth Center. He and his family will be in court for arraignment.

An Omaha Teen trying to be a serial killer failed in two instances of attempted assault, concerns over mental health as crucial.

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