Iran Nuclear Plants are Not Protected from Drone Attacks that Could Cause Catastrophic Damage
(Photo : Majid Saeedi/Getty Images)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Announces Scaling-Up Of Nuclear Enrichment Programme
NATANZ, IRAN - APRIL 9: A general view of the Natanz nuclear enrichment facility, is seen on April 9, 2007, 180 miles south of Tehran, Iran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced yesterday, April 9, that Iran has stepped up their Uranium enrichment programme, with up to 3,000 isotope separating centrifuges now in operation. The news has brought condemnation from the International Community and the UN. Iran?s top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani confirmed the scaling-up of activity but declined to elaborate on the subject.

Iran nuclear plants are not the most protected from drone attacks commonly used by groups that don't need to engage personally.

Like the Fukushima reactor meltdown in Japan, it was destroyed via a drone attack with the right amount of explosives.

This scenario threatens Tehran's nuclear aspirations that are seen as serious by the west.

Iran nuclear plants vulnerable to drones

A report has found Iran's nuclear facilities are vulnerable to devastating drone attacks.

But using unmanned vehicles (UMVs) laden with explosives could lead to a critical Fukushima-style reactor meltdown.

According to former Italian foreign minister Giulio Terzi, the Iran nuclear deal is not doing well due to alleged violations. Tehran is a maverick with no love for the west and considers it a significant opponent.

An examination of 22 facilities done by Dr. Bahram Ghiassee of the Henry Jackson Society think-tank considered all 21 nuclear labs except for the Fordow fuel enrichment plant in Qom, which is lodged in a mountain. All others need a good place unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to disable it, reported the Express UK.

But a weak point of the Fordow facility is the airshaft needed for ventilation and the external supply systems.

Other observations show how other facilities would be in such attacks.

A conversion plant in the Esfahan nuclear technology center deals with a vital part of the nuclear fuel cycle. The Bushehr nuclear power plant located in the Gulf, cited Ajansev.

Natanz enrichment facility is getting refurbished by getting built on a mountainside, and the former structure is supposed to be demolished an attack supposedly by Israel. It is better protected than other Iran nuclear plants.

Read AlsoIranian Authorities Reported Explosion Near Natanz Nuclear Facility As Test Fire at Mock Targets

Most of these structures could survive a light air attack, but some facilities like Bushehr have no such protection from most attacks on land or sea. In a range of 120 kilometers as most UAV operation distance, noted the Swift Headline.

Dr. Ghiassee, a nuclear specialist, stated that attacks on the cooling systems, external power supply, and electric distribution would be catastrophic. It will lead to no cooling, which caused an overheated nuclear core and spent fuel ponds like Fukushima.

The nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, was unavoidable when all three systems went down.

Previous Drone Attacks

Iran's nuclear facilities have been targeted in the past. Like the Bushehr power plant that got attacked by Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war in 1980; with light damage. More than one attack like explosions, cyber-assault, and drone attacks as were recent.

Tel Aviv is supposed to cause these attacks on these structures; it has vowed to stop Tehran from gaining a nuclear advantage. But like revenge, the Khomeini vowed to destroy Israel.

The Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Alon Schuster said that using military means to stop enemies is needed in extreme times to protect Israel.

Incidents like targeted killings of scientists, the Natanz explosion in 2020 caused by a Mossad operation, and a cyber-attack in 2010. This computer hack would damage vital nuke centrifuges.

A suspected drone attack in June 2021 at the Iran Centrifuge Technology Company facility in Karaj, the northwestern part of Tehran.

The nuclear deal in which Barack Obama was violated and president Donald Trump threw sanctions, but certain Democrats had back channels they hid.

Based on the report about Iran's nuclear plants, which are mostly fragilely defended, only a few are well-protected but do not stop Tehran from seeking its nuclear goals.

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